Examinable : No / Non
Rarity : ★★★☆☆☆
Effect : 8/10
Design : 10/10
Quality and finish : Very good / Très bonne
Discontinued / Production terminée
Examinable : No / Non
Rarity : ★★★☆☆☆
Effect : 8/10
Design : 10/10
Quality and finish : Very good / Très bonne
Discontinued / Production terminée
A plastic card, upon wich is imprinted a BLACK HOLE is examined by spectator and inserted into a beautiful decorated case. The spectator holds his hand under the case and presto the HOLE falls down onto his palm ! When the card is removed, it has a cut out hole exactly equal to the solid BLACK HOLE held by the spectator. To finish in a flash the card restore itself !
This is space-age magic at its best ! At the end, the card really is restored, and bears minute examination. The beauty of the trick is that even though the card is inserted into the case, the edges of the card remain constantly in view ! The design of the case is very great. I like this trick, is simple but it's great and beautiful.
Tips submitted by Steve Vil, USA:

This is space-age magic at its best ! At the end, the card really is restored, and bears minute examination. The beauty of the trick is that even though the card is inserted into the case, the edges of the card remain constantly in view ! The design of the case is very great. I like this trick, is simple but it's great and beautiful.
Black Hole is a trick to have in its collection for more than one reason. First its overall look is really nice and clearly recall the design from the 70/80 based on clean lines, shapes, round and square at a time, but especially of colors and materials clearly identifiable.
The mixture of colors is very smooth here with red, black and beige orange combine to create a style that will leave nobody indifferent and I always felt a special affection for the general appearance of the trick. I found him a mysterious and attractive side and I think the Tenyo designers did a fantastic job with this magic trick.The lacquer finish of the case is just sublime, the materials used are of high quality and give the whole a very successful style which even forget that they are plastic. Besides, you realize that during these years the Tenyo team has managed to create several magic tricks receiving a strong identity in their design, such as "Ribbon Forever", "Quicksilver", "UltraSlice" or even "Infinitum".
The effect itself is simple but effective and it causes a sudden surprise when on the black hole fall into the spectator's hand. The mechanism himself is really clever and the only downside I could find him is that the attentive viewer will realize that there is a small problem of proportion between the actual size of card and size of the card when it is in the case, but nothing serious if you follow the routine suggested by Tenyo in the instructions. To conclude we can say that Tenyo to doing a good job with Black Hole and we proved once again his expertise when it comes to cleverly combine design, mechanism and routine to obtain a magical success .
The mixture of colors is very smooth here with red, black and beige orange combine to create a style that will leave nobody indifferent and I always felt a special affection for the general appearance of the trick. I found him a mysterious and attractive side and I think the Tenyo designers did a fantastic job with this magic trick.The lacquer finish of the case is just sublime, the materials used are of high quality and give the whole a very successful style which even forget that they are plastic. Besides, you realize that during these years the Tenyo team has managed to create several magic tricks receiving a strong identity in their design, such as "Ribbon Forever", "Quicksilver", "UltraSlice" or even "Infinitum".
The effect itself is simple but effective and it causes a sudden surprise when on the black hole fall into the spectator's hand. The mechanism himself is really clever and the only downside I could find him is that the attentive viewer will realize that there is a small problem of proportion between the actual size of card and size of the card when it is in the case, but nothing serious if you follow the routine suggested by Tenyo in the instructions. To conclude we can say that Tenyo to doing a good job with Black Hole and we proved once again his expertise when it comes to cleverly combine design, mechanism and routine to obtain a magical success .
Tips submitted by Steve Vil, USA:
You will need: A Svengali deck, a piece of white card stock and Black Hole. Remove one of the force cards from the Svengali deck. You will find because it has been trimmed down that it fits perfectly into the Black Hole case. Using one of the Black Hole cards as a template, cut out a blank card from the white card stock. Remove the original Black Hole cards and insert the Svengali force all the way into the Black Hole case.
Performance: Place the case, blank card and deck on the table. Have a spectator "choose" a card from the Svengali deck (the Svengali deck's instructions will tell you how to do this). After he returns the card to the deck, flip through the deck again to show the spectator the card has vanished. Show the blank card. Push it "through" the Black Hole case. It will come out printed from the other end as the spectator's card.
Performance: Place the case, blank card and deck on the table. Have a spectator "choose" a card from the Svengali deck (the Svengali deck's instructions will tell you how to do this). After he returns the card to the deck, flip through the deck again to show the spectator the card has vanished. Show the blank card. Push it "through" the Black Hole case. It will come out printed from the other end as the spectator's card.

Vous présentez une carte en plastique décorée d'un cercle noir en son centre, vous la faite examiner par un spectateur. Vous placez la carte dans un étui subliment décoré style années 80. Puis, un spectateur place sa main en-dessous de l'étui. Vous faites un cercle magique au-dessus de l'étui et le cercle noir tombe dans la main du spectateur. Lorsque vous retirez la carte de l'étui, un trou a remplacé le cercle au centre de la carte ! Vous la donner à nouveau à examiner. Puis vous replacez la carte trouée dans l'étui. Vous faites disparaître le cercle noir et la carte se restaure comme par magie, avec son cercle noir au centre. Review:
Black Hole est un tour à avoir dans sa collection pour plus d'une raison. Premièrement son look général est vraiment agréable et rappel clairement les objets design des années 70 / 80 à base de lignes épurées, de formes rondes et carrées à la fois mais surtout de couleurs et matériaux clairement identifiables. Les couleurs du matériel mélangent le rouge, le noir et le beige orange de manière très harmonieuse et j'ai toujours ressenti un tendresse toute particulière pour l'aspect général de ce tour. Je lui trouve un coté mystérieux et attirant et je pense que les designers de Tenyo ont fait du très beau travail avec ce matériel. La finition laquée de l'étui est juste sublime, les matériaux utilisés sont de grande qualité et donnent à l'ensemble un style vraiment réussit faisant même oublier qu'il s'agit de plastique. D'ailleurs on se rend compte que pendant ces années la, Tenyo a réussi à créer plusieurs tours bénéficiant d'une identité forte dans leur design comme par exemple "Ribbon Forever", "QuickSilver", "UltraSlice" ou même "Infinitum".
L'effet en lui même est simple mais efficace et il provoquera à coup sur la surprise quand le trou noir tombera dans la main du spectateur. Le mécanisme quand à lui est vraiment ingénieux et le seul petit défaut que je pourrais lui trouver est que le spectateur attentif se rendra compte qu'il y a un petit problème de proportion entre la taille réelle de carte et la taille de cette dernière quand elle est dans l'étui, mais rien de grave si vous suivez la routine proposée par Tenyo dans la notice. Pour conclure on peut dire que Tenyo à fait du bon boulot avec Black Hole et nous a prouvé une fois de plus son savoir faire quand il s'agit de combiner habilement le design, le mécanisme et la routine afin d'obtenir un effet magique réussit.
L'effet en lui même est simple mais efficace et il provoquera à coup sur la surprise quand le trou noir tombera dans la main du spectateur. Le mécanisme quand à lui est vraiment ingénieux et le seul petit défaut que je pourrais lui trouver est que le spectateur attentif se rendra compte qu'il y a un petit problème de proportion entre la taille réelle de carte et la taille de cette dernière quand elle est dans l'étui, mais rien de grave si vous suivez la routine proposée par Tenyo dans la notice. Pour conclure on peut dire que Tenyo à fait du bon boulot avec Black Hole et nous a prouvé une fois de plus son savoir faire quand il s'agit de combiner habilement le design, le mécanisme et la routine afin d'obtenir un effet magique réussit.

Sold many, always liked this marvelous Tenyo magic trick.
ReplyDeleteEagle Magic Store