Examinable : Yes / Oui
Rarity : ★★☆☆☆☆
Effect : 6/10
Design : 6/10
Quality and finish : Very good / Très bonne
Discontinued / Production terminée
Examinable : Yes / Oui
Rarity : ★★☆☆☆☆
Effect : 6/10
Design : 6/10
Quality and finish : Very good / Très bonne
Discontinued / Production terminée
The magician borrows a 100$ bill. It is placed in a clear plastic frame which has a hole drilled though its center. The frame is placed in an envelope and a pencil is thrust through the center of the frame. Next a silk is passed through the hole. When the frame is removed, the bill is unharmed! This astounding effect is based upon a brand new principle. Even professional magicians are dumbfounded, because everything can be examined. Also, no sleight of hand is required. The secret is totally simple, brillant and devastatingly deceptive principle.
About Packaging:
The package of "Frame of Destruction" doesn't look initally all that impressive, unless you like the late 70s/early 80s stylization. A deeper look reveals a great aspect of many Tenyo packages from this period like "Soft coins" or "Wonder Window" : the protruding object that seems to jump out at you. In this case the object is a pencil through a hundred dollar bill that makes almost a 3-D look.
About Packaging:
The package of "Frame of Destruction" doesn't look initally all that impressive, unless you like the late 70s/early 80s stylization. A deeper look reveals a great aspect of many Tenyo packages from this period like "Soft coins" or "Wonder Window" : the protruding object that seems to jump out at you. In this case the object is a pencil through a hundred dollar bill that makes almost a 3-D look.
Le magicien emprunte un billet de banque et le glisse dans un cadre transparent dont le centre possède une ouverture. L'ensemble est mis dans une enveloppe. Ensuite, le magicien emprunte un stylo et empale le centre de l'enveloppe. Le stylo passe réellement à travers l'enveloppe, vous pouvez ensuite passer un foulard à travers mais pourtant, lorsque le billet est récupéré, il est complètement indemne!
Concernant le packaging:
L'emballage de "Frame of Destruction" ne parait pas au premier coup d'œil tellement impressionnant, à part si vous aimez le style de design des année 70/ 80. Une observation plus approfondie révèle un aspect pourtant intéressant que l'on retrouve sur beaucoup d'emballages Tenyo de cette période comme "Soft coins" ou "Wonder Window" : le dessin d'un objet non inclus dans le tour mais pourtant nécessaire à sa présentation et qui semble sortir de l'emballage dans un effet 3D. Ici il s'agit du crayon qui viens de percer le billet de banque et qui semble jaillir à travers l'emballage.

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